These Are Scenes From The City
"What we choose to ignore is as important as what we choose to see." I don't remember when or where or even if I ever heard these words. Sometimes I feel that whatever I write is a juxtaposition of words, phrases, sentences that I have read or heard or said. It is as if these words, drawn from memory, are suspended in space, and they reappear, the same words, in different contexts, over and over again, so even though they feel new when they roll off my tongue, I can never really shake the feeling of familiarity, of having known them someplace, sometime.
Anyway, I digress, For this week's exercise I chose to focus on a part of my day that seldom contributes anything meaningful to my life- the time I spend in-transit. I realized that I am never emotionally or mentally present through the passage of space and time. Whatever I made this week was on the subway, all the pictures taken either during the ride or while walking. There wasn't a specific theme that I started with and the only rule I laid out for myself was to not be over-critical of what I was making.