Poems Written While Waiting For The R Train
I force myself to write
To eloquently string words together
So that they make sense
Maybe even make them sound poetic
Some encapsulation of abstraction
Of human truth
I write as I think
Something to fill in the gaps
Something to keep my fingers moving
It clearly lacks purpose
Does one know what one wants to say
Before one starts to write?
Or does one stumble into meaning
Does everything one writes need to mean something?
Does everything one writes mean to be read?
What if one wrote knowing it would not be read
Would it be less deliberate, less polished?
Full of bad cliches, missing punctuations and spelling errors?
Full of sentences that seem to go nowhere?
Would it be raw and honest?
Or would we tell ourselves the same lies we tell others?
Would we write at all?
Houses and homes
Is it really possible to have a house without a home
Or a home without a house?
Is one better than the other
I remember as a child
I was told to be grateful
To think of all the people
Who weren’t as fortunate as me
But for all our human tendencies
That want to neatly compartmentalize
And grade suffering
Is one kind really better than another?
Do they need to be pitted against each other?
Is the boy tormented by bullies
Not suffering as much
As the homeless man
Starving on the sidewalk?
Obviously my mind supplies
But my heart says you don’t know
We were all made differently
All our sufferings are different
And no suffering is better than the other